Thursday, July 23, 2009


Now, I know it seems silly to allow a celebrity (he wishes) or someone who is publicized on media to get me fired up, but boy am I at my wits ends, with this one.

I needed to send all my relatives picture CD's of our trip, so I go into publix and get the packaging envelopes and am ready to go in the express under 10 isle, when there I see it. JOHN (of john and Kate plus 8), with his new girlfriend COVER of people magazine, OK now editors of People, you think that this family abandoning man deserves anything sort of a front cover is beyond me, especially when there is a whole world of other problems going on, for sorts maybe the front page should be the poor soldier that has been kidnapped and they released a video of him saying how scared he was (that would be a INTELLECTUAL story). This man, who has flown to Paris with his new 22 year old girlfriend to meet with Christian Audigier to jet around on a private yacht while posing for photographers is beyond infuriating. This man, has been an argument amongst my friends forever, i think I have even blogged about it prior. Kate, like I have always said may not have been the best wife, but to have her husband posing on the cover of people magazine talking about how happy he is, and how he never thought he could be this happy, while in the BOTTOM left corner is a ant size photo of Kate outside her home, having a picnic with THEIR 8 kids.
If he wants to go and start a relationship less than 3 weeks after saying they want a divorce, whatever, but he has some GUTS to be posing all over the tabloids with her, rubbing it in every ones faces. I don't even know Kate, and I still want to strangle him. Marriage is not a temporary stage of life, marriage is a commitment forever, and you would think that if he was TRULY committed that he would be a little more heart broken and a little less already smitten with someone else. GET A LIFE, and get off my magazines, your quite pathetic attempt to gain celebrity status is sickening and I will not spend any more of my time acknowledging him.
Please keep Kate in your prayers, though we don't know her side it is quite obvious that her "husband" has abandoned the whole family.

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