Friday, August 7, 2009

Bored.. can you tell

Post # 208 of the day, hehe I am babysitting and poor Clare is sound asleep, so while I have the time (which I do, until 1 am to be precise) I thought I would update my blog, since I haven't had much down time to do so.

I have a self diagnosed OCD problem which I have talked about before, Kathy and Zach call it up-tight I call it a problem. So, because I love my mother and my boyfriend I have really tried to be better at it, not let the little things bother me so much.

So my objective is to, let loose, or try too! I will let you know how that goes, today, on our running around on our adventures has been really good, nothing to really obsess about except Zach's driving, but that will NEVER change.

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